If you think all three disciplines offer the same healthcare, think again. Many people who have suffered an injury or are experiencing pain in their muscles, spine, or lower back may perform a general Google search for practitioners in their area who can help ease their suffering. But not all services are the same, and even if each therapy exists within the same realm of pain management, they are very different.

Keep reading to learn the main differences between massage therapy, physiotherapy, and chiropractic.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapists, especially registered massage therapists, are trained to provide a total mind and body treatment that’s designed to promote relaxation, reduce stress, treat inflammation, pain, and even digestive issues. To be an RMT, massage therapists must undergo extensive training and learn about anatomy and the body’s various systems. Therapists utilize essential oils and various hands-on techniques to treat different parts of the body. Pain or injury is not needed to visit an RMT, as many patients go for stress and tension reduction. A massage may not be suitable for an acute injury; that’s where physiotherapy comes in.


Physiotherapy, or physical therapy, is more involved with rehabilitation after an injury or an operation. Physiotherapy patients can be car accident victims who have lost their full range of motion or are learning to use their muscles again after their broken bones have mended. Your physiotherapist will help you work on specific exercises that restore strength, balance, and range of motion. Typically, physiotherapists must go through extensive university schooling and internships to practice legally in Canada. Physiotherapists will likely give you take-home exercises that you can practice on your own after you have learned the proper form.


Unlike physiotherapy, chiropractic involves spinal manipulation to reduce pain and to address the underlying cause of it. They are considered the experts in the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Chiropractors understand the workings of your nervous system in order to apply gentle hands-on manipulation to release pinched nerves and instantly restore mobility. To obtain a Doctor of Chiropractic, students must undergo many years of schooling, including internships. The main difference between a chiropractor and a physiotherapist is manipulation versus mobilization.

So, how do you choose which specialist you need? Always check with your doctor to find out which service is best. In the meantime, book your massage therapy appointment at RelaxZone! Our massage therapists will provide a gentle and relaxing massage to ease your stress and work the tension out of your muscles. Contact us today!