You’d have to be the luckiest person on Earth to not go through life without some level of back pain. As one of the largest sections of the body, the back is a complicated network of muscles, bones, nerves, and delicate tissues—all of which are responsible for our ability to walk, bend, stand, and hold up our head. It’s no wonder our backs can hurt from time to time.
If your back starts to hurt, here is what you should do, courtesy of RelaxZone.
But First, Rest
No matter what the reason for your sore or aching back, you should never ignore it. You pain will only get worse. If you feel a sudden flash of pain, stop what you’re doing, and lie down somewhere comfortable. If your back muscles are inflamed, you can also take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Once your muscles are more relaxed, you can attempt to move around again.
Ditch the Shoes
Resting also means taking a break from the shoes you’ve been wearing. Our back health is greatly influenced by our feet. If you’ve been walking around all day in high heels, flip-flops, or shoes that are simply too small for you, that may be the simplest explanation for your back pain. Give your feet a break by wearing supportive, comfortable shoes, and your back will feel a lot better.
Avoid the Gym
Strenuous activity should be avoided if you’re in pain. Because your muscles are already sore and inflamed, your body will naturally adjust to avoid stressing out your back, which could cause further injury if you’re not exercising with proper form. Besides, when exercising, your back is always engaged to some degree. If you insist on burning those calories, ask a personal trainer or instructor for the most back-friendly exercises…and don’t ignore them if they tell you to go home instead.
Massage Therapy
Whether or not this is a first-time injury or you’ve suffered from chronic lower back pain ever since you can remember, you will always benefit from registered massage therapy. Massage therapy employs gentle hand manipulation and essential oils to gently work out tension, stress, and pain. You’ll feel instant relief from massage therapy. RelaxZone performs several types of massages, including lymphatic drainage, Swedish, hot stone, and reflexology. When you leave your massage therapy appointment, you’ll feel relaxed and comfortable.
Visit Your Healthcare Provider
If your back pain is persistent and won’t go away no matter what you do, it might be time to visit your doctor. You may have something more serious going on, such as a herniated disk or some other underlying injury. Your doctor may recommend a visit to the chiropractor or prescribe muscle relaxers. If your pain won’t go away, don’t ignore it.
RelaxZone is open seven days a week. Book your massage therapy appointment today.