Getting a simple foot massage can do wonders to one’s overall wellbeing. Asking a loved one at home to do that basic massage will rejuvenate your senses and will keep you so calm all throughout the day. What more when the massage is done by experts who will pay attention to certain pressure points, making sure that each energy line or meridian is focused on to ease your body of the tension you have. Apart from this, there is much to know about foot massage.
Foot massage requires preparation
Yes, you can have your foot massaged at home or choose to visit a salon or spa where you can relax and leave the job in the hands of your masseuse. In order to make the process a bit more relaxing, essential oils or creams will be applied on the food. Before undergoing the therapy, however, you will be required to make sure your feet are clean. De-stress your feet by soaking it in warm water with Epsom salt. Of course, you should remember to dry your feet completely before the massage session starts.
There are also a variety of foot massage techniques that you should be familiar with
There are some basic techniques associated with foot massage. One basic technique is the stroking, or that process where the blood vessels are stimulated through the gentle heat produced by the action. Firm, slow stroking motions are applied over the feet.
Another technique is called the ankle rotation. Do not fret when it comes to this technique. When done by experts, no bone or joint will get hurt in the process. Each foot is rotated clockwise then counter-clockwise at least three times to give it that relaxing feel. The reason why reversing directions are applied is to calm your senses and de-stress your soul.
One last technique is called pivoting, a technique where the foot is held gently on the hand whilst the other hand massages the sole using the thumb. The process begins below the large toe then slowly moves to all other toes. This will produce the heat that will stimulate the senses.
Foot care will help stimulate the effects of foot massage
If you want foot massage to be effective, you have to make sure you practise proper foot care. Make sure there are no cuts, red spots, sores, and swelling on your toes and your toenails. Never cut any of those thickened or hardened part of skin (otherwise known as corns and calluses). Trim your toenails properly and make sure you use a nail file to keep the edges smooth. For diabetics, it will be best to check with your doctor on proper foot care.
Seeking professional help from a massage therapist will help
One of the secrets to enjoying a foot massage and its supposed benefits is to consult a registered massage therapist who will see to it that your foot will be proper taken care of in the process. A registered therapist knows your needs very well and will apply pressure to reflex points that are vital for de-stressing your soul. Never attempt to do foot massage if you are not sure of what you are doing. It will also be wise to ask questions on how the process is done and how you will totally benefit from it.
Looking for an expert in foot massage in Markham? You need not look further as you have come to the right place! Browse through our pages and check our list of services. Give us a call if you want to make an appointment with us or if you have queries.